
Our database contains 33,892 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross monthly salary
gender_icon Quality Control/ISO Manager Top Management Hajdúböszörmény n/a 780,000 HUF
gender_icon Administrative Worker Administration Veszprém n/a 402,500 HUF
gender_icon Technician Electrical & Power Engineering Mosonmagyaróvár n/a 45-54 500,000 HUF
gender_icon Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Székesfehérvár n/a 25-34 1,077,500 HUF
gender_icon Health Care Assistant Medicine & Social Care Budapest n/a 45-54 700,000 HUF
gender_icon Operations Supervisor Production Kecskemét n/a 35-44 1,000,000 HUF
gender_icon Cabinet Maker Wood Processing Industry Pápa n/a 45-54 305,000 HUF
gender_icon Lead developer Information Technology Budapest n/a 1,400,000 HUF
gender_icon Librarian Education, Science & Research Szeged n/a 25-34 461,000 HUF
gender_icon HR Manager Management Budapest n/a 35-44 2,050,000 HUF