
Our database contains 52,652 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Basic gross monthly salary
gender_icon Warehouseman Transport, Haulage, Logistics Szeged medium company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 539,667 HUF
gender_icon IT System Administrator Information Technology Budapest medium company (51 - 249 employees) 55+ 880,000 HUF
gender_icon Health and Safety Officer Security & Protection Miskolc large company (250 or more employees) 45-54 558,667 HUF
gender_icon Assistant Administration Pécs large company (250 or more employees) 45-54 600,000 HUF
gender_icon IT Business Analyst Information Technology Komló medium company (51 - 249 employees) 25-34 1,013,330 HUF
gender_icon Head of the Legal Department Management Budapest medium company (51 - 249 employees) 45-54 1,483,330 HUF
gender_icon Project Manager Construction & Real Estate Budapest small company (up to 50 employees) 55+ 1,650,000 HUF
gender_icon Design Engineer Car Industry Nyírbátor large company (250 or more employees) 45-54 740,000 HUF
gender_icon Department Manager Management Mosonmagyaróvár small company (up to 50 employees) 35-44 690,583 HUF
gender_icon Java Programmer Information Technology Budapest large company (250 or more employees) 35-44 1,625,000 HUF